Mathura Meat liquor banned Yogi asks meat sellers to engage in milk trade Oneindia News

By: Oneindia News
UP govt imposes ban on sale of meat liquor within 10 sq km radius of Krishnabhoomi in Mathura

By: The Economic Times
Mathura Meat & Liquor Ban Should Govt Dictate Our Food Choices

By: Indiatimes
Meat ban in Mathura preserving sentiments or fundamental right violation The Newshour Agenda

UP's latest meat and liquor ban wrongful killing of 8 and a border row

By: The Indian Express
Mathura meat ban adds to list of BJP’s attempts to enforce vegetarianism The Federal

By: The Federal
Mathura Muslim dosa makers forced to rename stall from ‘Shri Nath’ to ‘American Corner’ Here’s why

By: ThePrint
Ban on meat liquor trade in Mathura Latest update Drishti IAS English

By: Drishti IAS : English