D DAY HERO Recalls Lowering the Ramp in FIRST WAVE at Omaha Beach Frank DeVita

By: American Veterans Center
WATCH 80 years on D Day veteran recalls the invasion and the heroes left behind

By: PBS NewsHour
D Day Hero Recalls Lowering the Ramp in 'First Wave' at Omaha Beach

By: American Veterans Center
D Day Veterans Recall the Invasion of Normandy Part V 2007 AVC Conference

By: American Veterans Center
Veteran Recalls the Horrors of D Day Memoirs Of WWII 32

By: Memoirs of WWII
WWII Veteran Recalls Experiences Including D Day Invasion

By: NewsChannel 5
Veterans recall D Day horror and triumph

By: AP Archive
D DAY VET I'm The ONLY ONE Left From My Unit

By: American Veterans Center