Atari 800 Longplay Yogi's Great Escape

By: AVGN - Antique Video Game Nut
Amiga 500 Longplay 179 Yogi's Great Escape

By: World of Longplays
Yogi's Great Escape longplays Atari 800 C64 Atari ST

By: AVGN - Antique Video Game Nut
Yogi's Great Escape for Atari ST claims to be smarter than the average platformer Atari ST A to Z

By: ThisIsPete
Yogi's Great Escape for the Atari 8 bit family

By: Highretrogamelord
Amiga Longplay 205 Yogi's Great Escape

C64 Longplay 083 Yogi's Great Escape

By: Recorded C64 Games
Yogi's Great Escape Atari ST STE

By: Hundgirrid Channel