Dyrus Emotional Interview with Sjokz Worlds 2015 W2D3 League of Legends

By: Xynergy
Dyrus last interview as a pro player

By: ReCain
League Dyrus Thug Interview

By: Plurvy
Dyrus shares his thoughts about xPeke as a player before TSM vs Origen W2D3 S5 Worlds

By: EpicSkillshot - LoL VOD Library
Gimme This from Dyrus Interview at PAX NA Regionals 2013

By: CreMafia
Dyrus Interview on his last LoL 2015 World Championship

By: Krystler Tabinas
TSM Dyrus interview after winning vs CJ Entus IEM Katowice 2015 League of Legends

By: Xynergy
Dyrus and Bjergsen interview after winning vs CLG League of Legends

By: Xynergy