Children talk about witnessing the 1994 UFO landing at the Ariel School in Ruwa Zimbabwe

By: Eyes On Cinema
Ariel School UFO Landing Zimbabwe 1994

By: Think Anomalous
The UFO Landing at Holloman Air Force Base 3D CGI Animation Movie

By: Mac Mave Studios
Varginha UFO Crash Alien Contact Government Denial and Coverup

By: The Why Files
Close Encounters The Ariel School UFO Incident 3D CGI Animation Short Film

By: Mac Mave Studios
Soviet UFO Landing Incident Russian Military Badly Mistreated Alien Visitors

Pentagon UFO Disclosures EXPOSED Military UFO Encounters Full Documentary Alien Chronicles

By: THE STREAM - Movies and More
Ariel School Students From 1994 Zimbabwe UFO Alien Encounter discuss what they seen now as Adults