She did her best Also where were the 🥞 bird parrot rescue quakerparrot

By: The Green Bird Brigade
Auggie is a 4 yo quaker parrot who I adopted 9 months ago quaker rescue baconpancakes

By: The Green Bird Brigade
She is definitely warming up to dad 🥰 auggie quakerparrot rescue baconpancakes

By: The Green Bird Brigade
It’s going to be ok birds rescue quakerparrot

By: The Green Bird Brigade
I guess she prefers when I sing it ☺️ bird parrot quakerparrot rescue

By: The Green Bird Brigade
She immediately knew 😂 quakerparrot birds parrot rescue baconpancakes

By: The Green Bird Brigade
Quaker Parrot was Shy Now He Has So Much Attitude Cuddle Parrots

By: Cuddle Buddies
I think she likes the attention 🤭 cuteanimals funnyanimals talkingparrot talkingbird family

By: BeakerBeak