Why Quentin Tarantino Doesn’t Want to Make a Superhero Movie

By: The Howard Stern Show
Quentin Tarantino Doesn't Like Alfred Hitchcock 2 Bears 1 Cave Highlight

By: YMH Clips
Quentin Tarantino reveals how he came up with his filmmaking style

Quentin Tarantino talks about why he hates Natural Born Killers

By: natethefilmnerd
Quentin Tarantino on Pulp Fiction's Influence

By: PowerfulJRE
Quentin Tarantino Names His Favorite Tarantino Movie

By: The Howard Stern Show
Who Is Quentin Tarantino The Crime Reel

By: TheCrimeReel
Tarantino On Why It's Called 'Reservoir Dogs' movies

By: filmtalking